vendredi 11 avril 2008

good environmental magazine

here you are wanting about knowing something else about new sustainable energies, just read this wonderful magazine:

who am i?

as you could check my surname is not fully like a real name for a french person but it's just a paroxysm for a nickname because it's relevating of my finance studies experience

what for it was? for nothing!
this bleeding world (yes yes the ice floe is bleeding!) doesn't need artificial matters, furthermore which protects polluting companies for more pollution
so as a matter of fact, i'd like by this surname make remembering that this world is dying of the human cancer: the egoism
don't forget it, the well shared global GDP could feed all the global population (among them the 3 billion which are threatened as shit because they even don't have access to convenient food)

So you would ask me: why courtage?
because i preconise the right courtage which conducts to the peace and the equality of the world

In fact in this world, I could have talked about other favorite or not subjects that I'd maybe threat sometimes shortly but the main one will be here the spirit of this blog: preparing the human revolution!


Let's endlessly start this woudaboo blog to be born, I'm french at basis but I want hereby a lady of Mandalay can participate.

I will talk here about things and others with a french touch accent if you can hear it, i'd be sorry for it.

Enjoy it